Best Psychotherapy and Counselling Centre| Physiotherapist in Indore

Psychotherapy / Counselling Service

Psychotherapy sometimes called psychological therapy or talking therapy. Psychotherapy is a group of therapies (CBT,IPT,DBT...)(individual, couple,family, group therapy)design to help someone change their thinking patterns and improve their cropping skills. Counselling is a short term treatment that emphasis on a specific symptom where  psychotherapy is an approach to provide long term relief and aims to gain a deeper cognizance of the person's problem.

At Sahaj Aarogyam our psychotherapist work on from problem solving approach goes to little further to get the history and possible reasons behind that behaviour and long term solution to the core issue.

Mental Illness
Panic Disorders
Low Self-Esteem
Loss and Grief
Suicidal Tendency
Substance Abuse Disorder
Substance MisUse
Bipolar Disorder
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-CBT
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD
Obessive-Compulsive Disorder-OCD
Family councelling
Child and Adolescent concelling
Relationship Councelling